Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Start this business with Rs 2 lakh, you will become owner of crores in a year, government will also help

New Delhi. The condition of the economy has become sluggish due to Corona. Due to which many people have lost their jobs. At present every person is facing the crisis of epidemic. Meanwhile, we are telling you an idea to do business from home (New Business Idea). If you have your own land and want to start your own business with less investment, then you can start the business of making ash bricks.

For this, 100 yards of land and an investment of at least Rs 2 lakh will have to be made. With this you can earn Rs 1 lakh every month and crores annually. In the era of rapid urbanization, builders are using only bricks made from fly ash.

Can make 3 thousand bricks every month
These bricks are made from a mixture of ash, cement and stone dust from power plants. For this business, you will have to spend most of the investment on machinery. The manual machine used for this is installed in the ground about 100 yards away. You will need 5 to 6 people to produce bricks through this machine. With this, about 3,000 bricks can be produced daily. Please note that this investment does not include the amount of raw cost.

Opportunities increase with automatic machines
Use of automatic machines in this business increases the earning opportunities. However, the price of this automatic machine ranges from Rs 10 to 12 lakh. From mixing raw materials to making bricks, the work is done only through machines. One thousand bricks can be made in an hour through the automatic machine, that is, with the help of this machine you can make three to four lakh bricks in a month.

Also read: PM Kisan: The answer to every question related to PM Kisan Yojana is here, know everything in one click.

Government can give loan
This business can also be started by taking loan from the bank. Loan can also be taken for this business through Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana and Chief Minister Youth Self-Employment. Apart from this, the option of Mudra loan is also available. In states like Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, bricks are not produced due to lack of soil.

Better opportunities in hilly areas
Due to this, bricks are procured from states like Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab, which increases the cost of transportation. In such a situation, the business of bricks made from cement and stone dust can be profitable in these places. Due to easy availability of stone dust in hilly areas, the cost of raw material will also be less.

Tags: Business opportunities, New Business Idea, Online business

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