Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

News – Russian Government

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev spoke at the plenary session of the XVI Congress of the National Union of Milk Producers.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the stable growth of the dairy industry continues – in 2024, the production of raw milk in Russia tentatively amounted to 34 million tons. Processing is also developing – the production of drinking milk, fermented milk products, cheeses, yoghurts, cream and ice cream has increased. The expansion of production provided opportunities for export. For domestic milk and dairy products are available in markets in more than 90 countries.

Dmitry Patrushev emphasized that taking into account the growing trend in domestic demand for dairy products, it is important to fully provide our own market with all types of goods at affordable prices.

“Control over ensuring the economic availability of basic types of food continues. If the situation is not in favor of the stability of our own market, we have leverage. For the state, the priority is obvious: it is a complete food supply for our citizens. At the same time, we rely on domestic producers and increased self-sufficiency. It is necessary to further increase the production of our own products, systematically moving towards achieving the benchmark of the Food Safety Doctrine for milk,” said Dmitry Patrushev.

By 2030, the agricultural industry will have to seriously increase production and exports in all areas. In particular, the volume of raw milk should exceed 38 million tons. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that the Ministry of Agriculture should, together with the regions, complete the decomposition of milk production targets, taking into account the characteristics of each territory.

“The dairy industry has been and remains the most secure area in terms of a set of support tools. Last year, more than 80 billion rubles were allocated. This is almost one and a half times more than a year earlier. There is a basis for development. At the same time, we must use all opportunities to further intensify production through the introduction of advanced technologies, automation and robotization,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

To support new investment projects and reconstruct existing facilities, the Government continues to provide large-scale support to the dairy industry. From 2024, the amount of reimbursement of part of the direct costs incurred for the creation of dairy complexes has been increased to 30%. Additionally, for entities that are steadily increasing milk production and also have a strong feed base, the amount of compensation has been increased to 42%.

Since 2025, preferential lending to milk producers has been included in the list of priority areas. New loans for dairy farming will be issued at 8.3%.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that increasing the efficiency of processes cannot proceed in isolation from the scientific base. As part of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture, more than 2 billion rubles have been allocated for the dairy farming subprogram alone.

Dmitry Patrushev especially noted that the task of any industry now is to ensure technological sovereignty. From 2025, the Ministry of Agriculture begins to implement a corresponding national project in the field of food security, in which the development of human resources occupies an important place.

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