Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

News – Russian Government

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the open dialogue “100 questions about the future of Russia. Self-realization.” The event took place at the Rossiya National Center in Moscow.

Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that the national projects “Education” and “Science and Universities” will be completed this year. They created a good foundation for the new national project “Youth and Children”, aimed at creating opportunities for the realization of the talents of children and youth.

“In 2025 we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. President Vladimir Putin declared next year the Year of Defender of the Fatherland. You need to understand that there have always been defenders of the Fatherland in our state. Russia has always defended its sovereignty, its values ​​and has never betrayed them. Today we must honor and thank the heroes of the Northern Military District who ensure our sovereignty and protect our values. We will also talk about this, since the topic of the meeting is self-realization, and this, without exaggeration, is the meaning of every person’s life. I am sure that you correctly understand your task and together we take a responsible approach to ensuring that our contribution to the development of the country is maximum,” the Deputy Prime Minister addressed the dialogue participants.

This year, more than 60% of 9th grade graduates chose college as the start of their career path. Thanks to the “Professionality” project, 370 modernized colleges were launched in two years.

One of the effective tools is the annual championships on professional skills among people with disabilities and persons with limited health capabilities (HHI) “Abilimpix”.

The rights of students with disabilities and disabilities to preferential enrollment in budget-funded places in colleges and universities are enshrined in law. Particular attention is paid to the heroes – participants in a special military operation. All SHE participants also have the right to free education at universities and colleges in the country.

Among the professions, both technical and humanitarian ones will be needed.

The “Zemstvo Teacher” program helps in resolving the issue of teaching staff. Teachers are provided with one-time financial support: 1 million rubles for a teacher who moved to work in a rural school, and 2 million rubles for a teacher who moved to work in the Far Eastern Federal District. From 2025, the payment to teachers who come to work in new regions has been increased to 2 million rubles. On behalf of the President, a pilot project to introduce new systems of remuneration for education workers will be launched next year in certain regions.

Answering a question from Chinese citizen Kan Wanfen about international youth cooperation, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized Russia’s attitude towards China as a long-term strategic partner.

“Our economic cooperation is developing by leaps and bounds: more than $240 billion is the annual turnover of our commodity relations. Humanitarian cooperation is also very important. Cross Years of Russia and China are announced. A huge number of children from China took part in the World Youth Festival in Sirius. In total, over 20 thousand young people from more than 180 countries came there. And it was clear that they shared common values ​​with Russia,” noted Dmitry Chernyshenko.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Government, volunteering is serious and hard work. For example, volunteers help in the Northern Military District and in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations, such as tanker crashes in the Kerch Strait.

Discussing the development of capable children, Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that important work is being carried out by the educational foundation “Talent and Success” and its educational center “Sirius”. In addition, on behalf of Vladimir Putin, by 2030, advanced schools will be created in each federal district – 12 flagship schools.

Children from all over Russia can go to the Artek International Children’s Center. On average, approximately 5.5 million children relax and recuperate in children’s camps throughout the country in the summer. This year, funding for the children’s recreation program amounted to 83 billion rubles – 15 billion more than last year. A program to modernize children’s camps is being implemented.

On behalf of the President, active work is underway on the draft Education Development Strategy until 2036 with a long-term horizon until 2040. It is expected that it will, among other things, help harmonize the educational program with the curriculum and create an institute of free additional options for the development of schoolchildren.

Artificial intelligence should be treated as an assistant and learn how to use it well. International analysts say that most students and teachers are already using AI. However, only 20% of them have good user skills.

It is critical that our large language models are trained on our data. This work is underway.

“Russia is one of the world leaders in creating artificial intelligence technologies. We have very powerful mathematics, we have our own unique models, we make our own unique neural processors that work on completely different principles, which should really provide us with technological leadership and the sovereignty of our country in every sense – financial, economic,” noted Dmitry Chernyshenko.

At the beginning of next year, a special agency, SAPPHIRE, will be created on the basis of the Skolkovo Foundation.

President Vladimir Putin gave the world the “phygital” movement. This format is already supported in 106 countries. Other countries have already taken up the baton of the Games of the Future tournament: in 2025 the Games will be held in the UAE, and in 2026 in Kazakhstan. Nizhny Novgorod has been chosen as the capital of Fidgetal games in 2025. Infrastructure is also being developed throughout the country, and phygital centers are opening.

At the end of the open dialogue “100 questions about the future of Russia. Self-realization” Dmitry Chernyshenko discussed values ​​with the participants, especially noting family values.

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