Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

News – Russian Government

The Supervisory Board assessed the results of the work of the National Priorities ANO for 2024.

Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting of the supervisory board of the ANO National Priorities. On the right is General Director of ANO National Priorities Sofia Malyavina

Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting of the supervisory board of the ANO National Priorities. On the right is General Director of ANO National Priorities Sofia Malyavina

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko chaired a meeting of the supervisory board of the ANO National Priorities, at which the results of the organization’s work in 2024 and tasks for the near future were discussed. The main report was made by the General Director of the National Priorities ANO Sofia Malyavina.

Among the key areas of work of the ANO “National Priorities” in 2024 are support of national projects, collecting feedback from people to adjust the tactics of implementing national projects, informing about the initiatives and events of the President and the Government, measures to support citizens and the Russian economy (“Explain.rf”) , events of the Decade of Science and Technology, the Year of the Family, the federal project “Professionalism”, the program for popularizing culture among youth “Pushkin Card”, as well as the formation an attractive image of the Far East for living and working, etc.

According to a VTsIOM survey conducted in December 2024, the level of knowledge of the “National Projects of Russia” brand (was) 91% – this is the maximum result for all years of the study. The greatest increase in awareness over the year was shown by measures of national projects: ⁠national tourism portal “Puteshestvuem.rf” +13 p.p. (49%), long-term care system +8 p.p. (37%), ⁠education of schoolchildren and adults in the region artificial intelligence +6 p.p. (65%).

“The recognition of national projects is at the highest level over all the years of the study – 91%. Among the most recognizable measures are maternity capital, medical examination of the population, family mortgage – they are named by 98%, 90% and 88% of Russians, respectively. It is especially important that people not only know about national projects, but also understand what opportunities they provide and take advantage of specific support measures. As Russian President Vladimir Putin noted, the main task of national projects is to ensure that Russians feel real changes for the better, regardless of their social status and place of residence. Next year, large-scale work will begin to launch 19 (with the prospect of increasing to 20) new national projects. It is necessary to continue to popularize measures and opportunities for every resident of our country,” said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

In 2025, the National Priorities ANO will provide information and communication support for 20 national projects, including the Bioeconomy national project that is currently being developed. They are aimed at preserving the population, strengthening the health and improving the well-being of people, supporting families, creating a comfortable and safe environment, environmental well-being, and developing the economy, technology and the digital sphere. The implementation of new national projects will begin on January 1, 2025.

In addition, the ANO “National Priorities” will accompany events within the framework of the state program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports” and other initiatives and events of the President and the Government.

“Awareness and demand for specific support measures is a key indicator of the effectiveness of work to promote national projects, and today 85% of the country’s residents believe that at least one national project has benefited Russian society, from 72 to 98% would like the implementation of national projects to continue in the next five years,” said Sofia Malyavina.

The Supervisory Board outlined the main directions of work of the ANO “National Priorities” in 2025: support of all national projects, initiatives and events of the President and the Government and complex projects.

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