Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

News – Russian Government

Deputy Prime Ministers Alexander Novak and Dmitry Chernyshenko took part in the ceremony of presenting the annual Sber Scientific Prize. The award supports Russian and foreign scientists working in Russia who are active in research and open up new prospects for the development of science and technology.

Alexander Novak, on behalf of the Government, thanked the scientists whose research makes a decisive contribution to scientific and technological progress, and emphasized that they create the future of the country.

“Science is the engine of progress. The development of science and technology is of strategic importance for society and the country. It’s not just about basic research. Discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and other areas create a new standard of living for us, maintain health, and improve the quality of goods and services. The President set a goal by 2030 to enter the top ten leading countries in the world in scientific research and development. The Sberbank Scientific Prize is an opportunity to recognize leading scientists, increase the prestige of the scientific profession and thereby create incentives to attract young people to this field, which is necessary for the progressive development of the national scientific school,” said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Alexander Novak noted the winner in the “Physical World” nomination; Evgeny Antipov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of Electrochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, was recognized as the best. M.V. Lomonosov. The prize was awarded for the creation of high-temperature superconductors and new materials for metal-ion batteries, which open up prospects for increasing energy security and the transition to climate neutrality.

Dmitry Chernyshenko thanked the Sber team and personally German Gref for their constant attention to the research field, and also emphasized the importance of the development of artificial intelligence for ensuring technological sovereignty and leadership of Russia on the world stage.

“The international conference “Journey to the World of Artificial Intelligence” was recently held in Moscow with great success, at which an international alliance of artificial intelligence was organized in the presence of President Vladimir Putin. The Alliance immediately took on the international task of identifying foresights, or directions for the development of fundamental science in the field of artificial intelligence. Our Russian scientists are recognized leaders. Progress in the field of artificial intelligence would be impossible without their contribution,” the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

Dmitry Chernyshenko awarded the winner in the “Digital Universe” category, who was Evgeny Burnaev, a scientist in the field of artificial intelligence, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, director of the Skoltech Artificial Intelligence Center. The prize was awarded for fundamental results in the field of theoretical foundations and technologies of artificial intelligence for solving large-scale problems in engineering, medicine and sustainable development, based on the developed methods and algorithms for deep learning, generative modeling and stochastic analysis of multidimensional unstructured data with a complex internal geometric structure.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov also congratulated the award winners, noting that it has become an annual expected event.

“This kind of prize is important for all generations of scientists, but its special significance lies in the fact that the winners inspire those who study in schools and universities today. Perhaps one of them will make a fateful decision to connect their lives with science – this is worth a lot. After all, this is also why the bonus exists,” he said.

In the Life Sciences category, the prize winner was Sergei Lukyanov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Rector of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I.Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia. The scientist conducts research in the field of molecular biology and biomedicine. The prize was awarded for the discovery and application of natural fluorescent proteins for intravital imaging technologies and for the study of molecular and cellular processes in living organisms, as well as for the development of a fundamentally new strategy for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases.

This year, in each of the three classic categories – “Life Sciences”, “Physical World” and “Digital Universe” – an additional one was introduced: “AI in Science”. Young researchers no older than 35 years of age who have achieved outstanding scientific results using artificial intelligence (AI) can apply for this award.

Laureate in the category “AI in Science. Life Sciences” – Mark Ivanov, bioinformatician, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics named after. V.L. Talroze Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics named after. N.N. Semenov RAS. The prize was awarded for the application of machine learning methods in proteomic research to identify proteins and extract biologically relevant information in biomedical applications.

Laureate in the “AI in Science” category. “Physical World” became Alexander Kvashnin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Scientific Group for Industrial-Oriented Materials Search at Skoltech. The prize is awarded for the use of artificial intelligence, including neural network and regression models, to predict and study the properties of new functional and structural materials, such as high-temperature superconductors, superhard materials and non-crystalline structures.

Laureate in the “AI in Science” category. Digital Universe” was Alexander Korotin, a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer and head of the research group on generative artificial intelligence at the Skoltech Artificial Intelligence Center. The prize was awarded for the development of a series of generative artificial intelligence algorithms based on optimal transport for modeling multidimensional data, digital processing and image synthesis.

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