Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

News – Russian Government

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt, on behalf of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, visited Kuzbass on a working trip to assess the current situation in the socio-economic development of the region, taking into account the prospects of the coal industry, which is a backbone of the region’s economy. .

Governor of the Kemerovo Region Ilya Seredyuk reported on the development of the region’s transport infrastructure. Members of the delegation got acquainted with the results of the first stage of modernization and the tasks for further reconstruction of airports in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, as well as plans for the construction of an air terminal in Sheregesh by 2027 to expand the tourist flow to the ski resort of the same name.

As a result of the first stage of reconstruction of the A.A. Leonov Airport in Kemerovo, its capacity increased to 460 passengers per hour. A four-story airport terminal building was built in the style of a cosmodrome, which also houses a museum with personal belongings of astronauts and models of spaceships available to passengers.

Modernization of the airport named after. B.V. Volynova in Novokuznetsk envisages an increase in its passenger traffic from 270 to 580 passengers per hour. The five-story building of the new airport terminal will be equipped with three telescopic bridges, six escalators and 15 elevators. Finishing work is already underway in the building.

At the second stage of improvement of two airports until 2027–2028, it is planned to reconstruct and expand the runways, this will increase the number of flight program destinations from Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk.

Following the results of six years of implementation of the national project “Safe Quality Roads”, more than 1 thousand km of roads were repaired in the region for 43.1 billion rubles. 26 billion rubles were allocated for the renewal of rolling stock and reconstruction of the urban electric transport infrastructure, which made it possible to purchase over 1.4 thousand modern buses, 104 trolleybuses and 41 trams; supplies were also partially financed within the framework of the federal project “Clean Air” of the national project “Ecology”. 23 km of tram tracks and 45.7 km of overhead contact network were repaired.

By 2030, it is planned to additionally purchase 670 buses, 60 trolleybuses and 170 trams, reconstruct 258.5 km of tram tracks, 425.6 km of overhead contact networks, and 48 traction substations.

The Government delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak visited one of the key coal mining facilities in Kuzbass – the mine named after. A.D. Ruban in Leninsk-Kuznetsky and the Chernigovsky coal mine.

Mine named after A.D. Rubana in Leninsk-Kuznetsky is one of the leading in the Kuzbass in the use of modern technologies. 1370 people work here. This year, miners plan to extract 3 million tons of coal.

Members of the delegation were shown the control center of the enterprise, from where specialists monitor all parameters: from the level of gas contamination of the mine faces to the location of each miner.

Members of the delegation went down to the face of the Ruban mine and talked with miners, management and owners of coal companies.

“The government of the Russian Federation will support the coal industry. A program for the development of the fuel and energy complex and the coal industry has been developed. There are difficulties, but we understand that for the Kemerovo region, coal enterprises are budgetary and city-forming. They must and will work, young people will study and come to enterprises,” noted Alexander Novak in a conversation with miners. He assured that their work will remain in demand even in the long term, when the diversification of the economy begins and, in addition to the coal sector, tourism and the high-tech industry will develop in the Kemerovo region.

At the Chernigovsky open-pit mine, where members of the delegation also visited, thermal and coking coal is mined by open-pit and underground methods. The number of employees is about 3.2 thousand people, the capacity is 6 million tons per year. The enterprise also includes Russia’s first factory for the enrichment of two types of coal, Chernigovskaya-Koksovaya, with a capacity of 4.5 million tons of coal per year. Its work uses “clean” coal technologies: a closed water-slurry circuit, closed galleries with a covered warehouse for coal products.

The Deputy Prime Minister, together with members of the government delegation, walked along the embankment of the Tom River, where in 2023 a sports and leisure infrastructure was built for residents and guests of the city, including an observation deck and playgrounds, bicycle paths, an amphitheater for events, several cafes, a skateboard. park and sports complex “Russian Ninja”.

Guests from Moscow were shown sports facilities in Kemerovo, including the Kuzbass Ice Palace, the Kuzbass Arena multifunctional sports complex, and also the first physical center for computer sports in Russia and the world.

Alexander Novak, together with members of the government delegation and the Governor of the Kemerovo region Ilya Seredyuk, met with students from leading universities in the Kemerovo region: Kemerovo State University (KemSU) and Kuzbass State Technological University (KuzSTU). They got acquainted with plans to modernize the infrastructure of universities, including classrooms, laboratories, dormitories, canteens, sports facilities, and also discussed plans to create a student campus.

The campus is planned to be built on two sites: in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk. It will involve the infrastructure of three leading universities in the region: Kemerovo State University, KuzSTU and Siberian State Industrial University. The implementation of the program will allow for a multiple increase in the number of students enrolled in all three universities, improve the quality of education and modernize the scientific and technical base for training students.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak held a meeting on the socio-economic development of the region. It was attended by the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, the Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Ilya Seredyuk, and the heads of large coal companies.

The participants discussed the socio-economic situation in the Kemerovo region, the work of coal enterprises in the face of external challenges.

The Deputy Prime Minister also held a bilateral meeting with the head of Kuzbass. The parties discussed the possibilities of supplying coal from the region to the domestic market and for export, increasing the reliability of the energy infrastructure, as well as the development of investment projects, including within special economic zones.

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