Tatyana Golikova took part in an open dialogue at the National Center “Russia”
Tatyana Golikova took part in an open dialogue at the National Center “Russia”
Tatyana Golikova took part in an open dialogue at the National Center “Russia”
On December 13, at the site of the National Center “Russia”, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova became a participant in the series of open dialogues “100 questions about the future of Russia”. She summed up the achievement of national goals in the areas of preserving the population, supporting families, promoting health and increasing well-being for the period from 2019 to 2024, told how work in these areas will be continued, and answered questions from viewers and online listeners of the event.
“It is very pleasant to be present at the Rossiya National Center again. This has already become a good tradition, when here we sum up the results and set new tasks, here we are seen and heard by an audience who cares about the fate of our country, the fate of our families, our children, our parents,” said Tatyana Golikova.
According to her, despite the historically difficult demographic situation in the country, there is a positive trend in terms of the birth rate and an increase in the number of large families.
“There are 30 million children and 24.5 million families living in Russia today. Since 2016, the number of births of third and subsequent children has been increasing in the country; in 2023, compared to 2016, the growth of the total birth rate of such children increased by 20.4%, and this contributed to the increase in the number of large families. Over the past 5 years, it has increased by 27%, and now there are 2.5 million,” said Tatyana Golikova.
The Deputy Prime Minister noted the symbolism of summing up the results at the Rossiya National Center as part of the Year of the Family declared by the President and told how the most extensive instruments of state support for large families are being implemented – maternity capital, payments to large families and family mortgages. This and other work, she said, will be continued within the framework of new national projects.
“The Year of the Family is not just a phrase, and I would not want the end of the calendar year to end what we were able to do this year in terms of discussion and attracting attention. But I don’t think it will be like that. It is no coincidence that on January 1, 2025, we are launching the national project “Family,” which from the point of view of financial support is the largest: 6 years – 18 trillion rubles, this is based on today’s planning,” said Tatyana Golikova.
She also noted that one of the most important issues for families with children is the ability to combine family responsibilities with professional self-realization. This requires the creation of appropriate infrastructure, therefore, in particular, within the framework of the national project “Demography”, about 1.7 thousand kindergartens have been built in the country since 2019.
An important aspect is employment of the population and provision of the economy with qualified personnel. In recent years, the employment strategy has been significantly revised, a targeted, client-centric approach to providing services to citizens and organizations has been introduced, and the appearance of the “Work in Russia” employment centers is changing.
“They become not centers for the unemployed, but help centers for finding a job, and the employer has become their full-fledged client. Now personnel centers will help you find an employee, form a personnel reserve, and build a long-term personnel strategy. And it’s gratifying that this resource is gaining momentum. We expect that by the end of the year every third employment center will undergo transformation, and by 2028 the entire transformation of employment services will be completed, and this will be a new modern center providing employment services to all participants in this process,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Government.
Within the framework of national projects, much attention is paid to medical services for the population. Since 2019, more than 6 thousand healthcare facilities have been created in the country; since 2021, on behalf of the head of state, a program for modernizing primary healthcare has been launched, and more than 1.3 thousand healthcare facilities have been built or reconstructed here, and more than 5.5 thousand buildings have been repaired.
“It is important that two thirds of these transformations took place in rural areas and small towns, which means that the availability of primary care facilities increased, according to our estimates, by 32%. This work will be continued in the new national project “Long and Active Life”. But the main thing: in 2024 alone, almost 100 million of our citizens – and this is the majority of our country – were able to undergo medical examination. And this, in turn, means early detection of many diseases, timely registration and timely provision of medical care,” the studio guest emphasized.
Tatyana Golikova also noted that the active longevity program, the long-term care system and the introduction of a new type of inpatient social service institutions, in which living conditions are close to family ones, play a big role in improving the quality and life expectancy. And, of course, an important aspect of well-being is culture, the development of which is also facilitated by the implementation of national projects. This includes equipping theaters and philharmonic societies, building children’s art schools, renovating libraries, and supporting federal educational institutions – flagships for training specialists in creative education. “But the most important thing is why this is being done: there should be more of us, and this is the main thing,” concluded Tatyana Golikova.
A series of open dialogues “100 questions about the future of Russia” at the National Center “Russia” is dedicated to the country’s national development goals for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036. Participants in the meetings include representatives of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, regional speakers, members of the business community, public organizations and associations, and experts in various fields. The National Center was created by order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to preserve the legacy of the international exhibition and forum “Russia” and demonstrate the achievements of the country and its citizens on an ongoing basis. Federal authorities, state companies, corporations and regions participate in the work of the center.