On the agenda: the results of the meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, support for SMEs in the manufacturing sector of the economy, additional financing of preferential lending programs for rural areas, support for preferential car lending and car leasing programs.
Opening remarks by Mikhail Mishustin:
Opening remarks by Mikhail Mishustin at a Government meeting
Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
Last week, the President held a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, where 19 national projects prepared for launch from the beginning of next year were presented.
All these projects are aimed at implementing national goals approved by the head of state and a number of specific tasks to strengthen the sustainability of the economy and improve the quality of life of people throughout the country.
The President emphasized the need to set a high pace for their implementation and the level of overall work. And, what is very important, to provide constant feedback to our citizens. Their opinion on how successfully, quickly and efficiently problems are resolved is of key importance.
Participants of the meeting
List of participants at the Government meeting, December 11, 2024
At the same time, the regions are given an active role in the effective implementation of all assigned tasks. By the end of the year, we need to further work through all issues, including those related to financing, together with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If necessary, you need to do this during the New Year holidays.
The head of state instructed those regions where the situation with the implementation of existing national projects is most difficult to propose solutions and adjustments to those national projects that replace them.
And in general, carefully look at the entire line of planned indicators in order to quickly correct them if necessary. They must clearly reflect the expected result, that is, real improvements in a particular area.
Work with regions should be systematic. Together with the commissions of the State Council, it is necessary to complete the formation of financial mechanisms for Russian constituent entities. This includes writing off part of the public debt and allocating targeted subsidies and loans for infrastructure modernization.
We will continue to stimulate positive changes in those where the level of socio-economic development is still low. New individual programs have been developed for ten such regions. Four of them have already been approved – Chuvashia, the Republic of Mari El, Adygea and the Kurgan region. We will soon make a decision regarding six more entities.
Government meeting
Opening remarks by Mikhail Mishustin at a Government meeting
Government meeting
The cities and settlements of the Far East and the Arctic are also of strategic importance for Russia. Activities within the framework of prepared master plans are aimed at their comprehensive development. All of them must be taken into account in new national projects. In particular, in such areas as “Infrastructure for life”, “Efficient transport system”, “Family”, “Long and active life”, “Youth and children”. And within a month they must be completely completed and finalized. Practical work should begin from the first days of the year – clearly and without delay. As we agreed.
Large-scale plans have been outlined for the next six years to transform the country. The focus of all efforts is to make the lives of our people better.
Colleagues, all orders of the President must be carried out as quickly as possible. It is necessary to create a specific list of tasks and take control of them. This is our personal responsibility to people.
Now about the decision made – to help small and medium-sized businesses.
Such enterprises are of great importance for the economy as a whole. There are already over 6.5 million of them in our country. They account for every third job.
On behalf of the head of state, special conditions have been created for small and medium-sized businesses. For several years, the rate of insurance premiums has been halved for them.
At the same time, the President emphasized the importance of increasing the effectiveness of existing support measures, as well as the need to offer new ones in addition to them.
The government has decided to strengthen assistance to the manufacturing sector, whose products are required by various sectors of the economy. This includes manufacturers of food products and pharmaceutical substances, fabrics and clothing, plastic products, glass and household appliances.
For them, from January 1 next year, the insurance premium rate will be reduced to 7.6%.
Such support will primarily allow small and medium-sized businesses to increase profitability. Additionally, keep billions of rubles at your disposal annually in order to use them for further development of new products, expansion of production, growth of labor productivity and improvement of conditions for employees.
Today on the agenda of the Government meeting is the issue of improving the quality of life of people in rural areas.
As the head of state noted, this large-scale complex work must be continued, in general, the measures being implemented are working, the village is developing.
An important part of them was decisions to create a more modern appearance of settlements outside cities. Housing construction is actively underway there, including thanks to mortgage programs at 3%. Residents also have the opportunity to apply for a preferential loan for home improvements, including water and gas supplies. And also – organizations can receive a loan at a reduced rate to update their infrastructure.
This year, the federal budget allocated over 24 billion rubles for these mechanisms. To ensure servicing of previously taken loans, more than 11.5 billion have recently been allocated.
Today we will allocate an additional 14 billion rubles for such purposes. This will make it possible to subsidize similar loans for almost the last three months of this year and maintain rates at the same level for over 170 thousand already concluded lending agreements. Among them are rural mortgages, preferential consumer loans, financing of housing and infrastructure construction.
We hope that the decision made will help us continue to create comfortable living conditions for citizens living in rural areas.
One more topic.
The government continues to support manufacturers and buyers of domestic cars.
The state of this industry is very important for thousands of enterprises and related sectors, including metallurgy, electronics, chemistry, and machine tools. Together they are the largest employers. And, of course, the transport mobility of our citizens depends on this.
The President spoke about the need to ensure the availability of passenger cars for citizens. And he emphasized the importance of demand for commercial equipment for the economy.
To do this, we are constantly improving existing assistance mechanisms so that they remain effective and remain in demand by both people and businesses.
Today we will additionally allocate over 18 billion rubles for the implementation of preferential car lending and car leasing programs. And in total this year in these areas – almost 45 billion rubles.
People with disabilities, medical workers, teachers, participants in the Special Military Operation, and their relatives will be able to receive discounts of up to 25% when purchasing a domestic car. When purchasing an electric car, the price will decrease by 35%.
In turn, companies and entrepreneurs will be able to reduce the down payment when leasing a wide range of equipment – from tractor-trailers to unmanned trucks.
We hope that such targeted financing will support production in the transport sector and related industries, and will contribute to the renewal of the country’s vehicle fleet and the creation of high-quality cars.