Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

News – Russian Government

The Deputy Prime Minister congratulated Pobeda Airlines on its 10th anniversary.

A gala event dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the low-cost airline took place at one of the company’s base airports, Sheremetyevo.

During the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Savelyev highly appreciated the results of the airline’s work.

“Today Pobeda ranks second in terms of air transportation volumes in Russia. In just ten years, Pobeda carried more than 90 million passengers, about 10% of whom, thanks to Pobeda, flew on an airplane for the first time. This indicates a high level of trust on the part of people. In 2023, Pobeda’s passenger traffic amounted to more than 13 million passengers; by the end of 2024, it is expected to reach 13 million 600 thousand passengers.

During its work, Pobeda has firmly occupied the niche of low-cost transportation in our country; it is the most sought-after company in Russia.

This is evidenced by the airline’s consistently high performance in terms of average flight load – 95%, and on many routes the load reaches 100%.

Pobeda actively participates in expanding transport accessibility of Russian regions and makes a direct contribution to the implementation of the tasks set by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The Pobeda route network covers more than 100 destinations, half of them are regional, bypassing the capital. Today Pobeda is the only air carrier on 14 routes,” emphasized Vitaly Savelyev.

Pobeda Airlines (part of the Aeroflot group) is the first successful low-cost airline in Russia. The company’s unique concept is based on the use of flexible price tariffs and strict compliance by clients with special transportation rules. The company’s work is aimed at increasing the air mobility of the population and transport accessibility of the regions of the Russian Federation. The low-cost airline model allows us to offer customers a service based on high safety and punctuality of flights, as well as affordable prices.

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