Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
Dmitry Grigorenko took part in the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”
The digital model for managing national projects makes it possible to ensure high efficiency of their implementation while increasing the number of projects themselves from 2025. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister – Chief of the Government Staff Dmitry Grigorenko at the strategic session “National Projects 2025–2030”.
The session participants discussed the upcoming launch of new national projects and work to monitor their implementation.
The number of national projects increased from 16 to 19, including 8 technology leadership projects.
It was noted that the new national projects have become larger-scale, involve even more interdepartmental interaction and include 118 federal projects instead of the existing 91.
“We are focused on scaling successful solutions for implementing national projects. Our digital project management model works in real time, uses advanced algorithms to predict unfulfilled activities and is configured to prevent problems in advance,” said Dmitry Grigorenko.
It was also noted at the session that by 2026, the digitalization of all reporting and data sources as part of the implementation of national projects should be completed.
In 2025, the Government plans to launch an analytical panel based on the state automated system “Management”, which will help governors monitor the implementation of the highest priority federal tasks implemented at the level of a specific region.
“In 2025, we plan to launch a universal dashboard for governors, which will provide up-to-date information on the implementation of national projects, federal orders, subsidies and the stage of consideration of appeals to federal authorities. This will create a convenient two-way communication channel and increase the transparency of interaction between the Government and the regions,” explained Dmitry Grigorenko.
The digital management model has been operating in Russia since 2020 and is used to implement key projects and tasks. With its help, monitoring of the implementation of national projects in Russia is carried out, among other things.
The model operates on the basis of a state automated control system that allows you to effectively work with big data.
In real time, with its help, it is monitored at what stage of implementation the project is, the construction of facilities – schools, hospitals, roads, affordable and comfortable housing – is monitored, and the risks of implementing specific activities are calculated.