Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the preparation of personnel in the field of tourism and hospitality
Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the preparation of personnel in the field of tourism and hospitality
Dmitry Chernyshenko visited the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS)
Dmitry Chernyshenko visited the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS)
Dmitry Chernyshenko visited the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS)
Dmitry Chernyshenko talked with students of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS)
Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the preparation of personnel in the field of tourism and hospitality
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a meeting on the preparation of personnel in the field of tourism and hospitality and talked with students of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTIS).
The acting rector of the RSUTIS Ambartsum Galustov presented the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers plans for the development of university infrastructure and training programs.
“The formation of a system of preparation and development of the personnel potential of workers in the tourism and hospitality sector is one of the priority tasks of the industry, set by President Vladimir Putin. Now about 1 million people are employed in this area. The need for employees is about 250 thousand, by 2030 this number will increase to 400 thousand people. New experts are necessary for the successful development of the industry as a whole, as well as for the implementation of large -scale investment projects, such as “five seas and Lake Baikal. The Russian State University of Tourism and Service is designed to become a leading center for training for the industry. Today the university signed several agreements on the creation of new campuses, ”said Dmitry Chernyshenko.
The plans include the development of the scientific and educational infrastructure of the RGUTIS in Zavidov, the Tver region and in Anapa, where they will prepare personnel for the project “Five Seas and Lake Baikal”.
In Russia, in the direction of tourism and hospitality, students’ reception is carried out in more than 100 universities and 1.3 thousand colleges. Within the framework of the national project “Tourism and hospitality”, centers of training in the Moscow region were created on the basis of the RGUTIS, Tatarstan and St. Petersburg.
At a meeting at the university, a comprehensive approach was discussed in resolving the issue of personnel deficiency. This is necessary to achieve the goals set by the head of state as part of the national project.
“Tourism needs an integration model with secondary vocational education. There must be interaction with strong regional universities. It should not be point decisions. And today’s agreements are an example that can be replicated throughout the country. Another important aspect is labor productivity. We have created competencies on the basis of “Caucasus.rf“ and in the Krasnodar Territory. The centers are created, have begun work. Also, together with the business, it is worth working out the issue of inclusion in the educational programs for training personnel for the tourism industry of the topic of performance, ”said Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov.
The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov noted that today special attention is paid to training in the field of tourism. Qualitative changes in the implementation of educational programs, which should be a modern response to the request of the industry, provides for a new model of higher education.
Dmitry Chernyshenko emphasized that the interest of tourists in the Moscow region, where the RGUTIS is located, is growing every year. “This is facilitated by the availability of a high-quality infrastructure for relaxation and a huge number of objects of show-these are objects of cultural heritage, church and monasteries, estates, monuments of military glory, which is especially important in the year of the defender of the Fatherland, declared by President Vladimir Putin, in the year of the 80th anniversary of our victory” ,-added Deputy Prime Minister.
Dmitry Chernyshenko appreciated the university’s infrastructure and talked with students. He noted the attention of the head of state and the Ministry of Economic Development to the field of tourism and supported students in choosing this area. The guys presented their projects, among which-concepts for the adaptation of foreign students, on the development of design projects for the program “Five Seas and Lake Baikal” and the popularization of tourism among young people through student media.
In addition, the consecration of the restored temple-chamber of the noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky took place.
Dmitry Chernyshenko left an entry in the memorial book of the university: “I am sure that the experimental pedagogical composition of the RGUTIS and talented students who came here from different regions of the country will make a serious contribution to the development of tourism in Russia. As our President Vladimir Putin said, internal tourism is one of the main priorities. ”
“The president called the development of domestic tourism one of the priorities of the long -term development strategy of Russia. In our suburbs, we see that there is a great demand for tourism, and therefore for specialists. In our Moscow region, 14 colleges and 5 universities are training personnel. Last year, here, on the basis of the RGUTIS, one of the three federal resource centers was created, which this year plans to train 10 thousand specialists for the whole country, ”said the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov.
As a result, the Deputy Prime Minister gave a number of instructions, including the updating of educational programs, the development of plans for the development of a university and the holding of new competitions in the field of tourism.
The meeting was also attended by the Governor of the Tver Region Igor Rudenya, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia Dmitry Platigin, Deputy Minister of Education of Russia Irina Schwartzman, Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Ruppel, rector of universities, representatives of companies and public organizations.