Alexander Novak held a working meeting with a prominent politician of the Republic of Abkhazia Badro Gunboy
Alexander Novak held a working meeting with a prominent politician of the Republic of Abkhazia Badro Gunboy
Alexander Novak held a working meeting with a prominent politician of the Republic of Abkhazia Badro Gunboy
Alexander Novak held a working meeting with a prominent politician of the Republic of Abkhazia Badro Gunboy
Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia Alexander Novak held a working meeting with a prominent politician of the Republic of Abkhazia Badro Gunboy.
The parties discussed issues of electricity supply from Russia to Abkhazia, as well as measures of social and investment support of the republic, including incentives for the development of small and medium -sized businesses.
According to Badra Gunba, the Republic of Abkhazia is currently experiencing a shortage of electricity due to lack of its own generation. “In December, I turned to the leadership of the Russian Federation to support and create a humanitarian energy transmission to ensure the country’s energy security. We were provided with a humanitarian overclock, the volumes of which, unfortunately, are coming to an end. Given the difficulties that we can encounter, I ask you to support the organization of an additional volume of electricity supplies to the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia, ”Badra Gunba addressed Alexander Novak.
“Russia is interested in the progressive development of relations with its southern neighbor, with the Republic of Abkhazia. We understand the current situation that develops with energy supply in the winter. And taking into account the growth of energy consumption in the socio-economic sphere, we understand the need for additional power supply. Currently, the Republic of Abkhazia is forced to work in the conditions of fan shutdown of energy, even despite the supplies that Russia has been making from December last year at your request. In order to support the population, social institutions and enterprises, we are ready to find a solution and from tomorrow to ensure the supply of electricity sufficient to exclude its fan shutdown. In the future, we will look for mechanisms for ensuring the further uninterrupted operation of the country’s energy sector, its reliability and development, ”said Alexander Novak.
Badra Gunba noted that Abkhazia is aimed at attracting investments in his economy and hoping for a revision of investment agreements with Russia.
“I agree with you that in the form in which this investment agreement was not realized. To implement investment projects, it is necessary to create conditions taking into account the opinions and experience of Russian business, on the investment of which we will count on by implementing our agreements. We, of course, will ensure the balance and mutual accounting of the interests of all parties, including the population and the Abkhaz business, ”said Alexander Novak.
The parties agreed to adjust the measures and mechanisms of state support from the Russian Federation of Abkhazian investment projects, taking into account the existing experience of interacting with the small and medium -sized businesses of the Republic of Abkhazia. They will be taken into account in the preparation of the state program of socio-economic development of Abkhazia for 2026–2030. Alexander Novak also expressed his readiness to consider on the initiative of the Abkhaz side the creation of a fund for the implementation of projects in the field of small and medium -sized businesses in Abkhazia.
Already today, due to the means of Russian financial assistance to Abkhazian small and medium -sized businesses, parts of the costs incurred for the acquisition of equipment and agricultural machinery are reimbursed, and part of the interest rate on attracted loans for the implementation of investment projects is also compensated.