Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

News – Government of Russia

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held a working meeting with the head of Kalmykia Batu Khasikov. It discussed the development of the scientific, educational, tourist and sports areas in the region.

According to Deputy Prime Minister, the Republic of Kalmykia actively participated in the national projects “Education” and “Science and Universities”, and now it has joined the new national project “Youth and Children”.

“President Vladimir Putin set a national goal – the realization of the potential of each person, the development of his talents, the education of a patriotic and socially responsible person. The Republic of Kalmykia uses a number of measures to achieve it. According to the national project, “education“ 47 schools were repaired here, and the “and“ quantorium ”growth points were created. The work to improve the conditions of training and education will continue within the framework of the new national project “Youth and Children“ ”,” Dmitry Chernyshenko emphasized.

Currently, a school is being created for 600 seats in the capital of the republic – Elista.

Thanks to the construction of new kindergartens, 100 percent accessibility of preschool education for children from birth to seven years is ensured. Within the framework of the national project “Demography” in Kalmykia since 2019, 840 new places for children under the age of three have been created.

In the field of science and higher education, Dmitry Chernyshenko noted the participation of Kalmyk State University. B.B. Gorodovikov in the Priority 2030 program. Also, youth laboratories in humanitarian and social sciences, agriculture and physics were created at the university.

According to Batu Khasikov, one of the measures to stimulate the development of science is financial support for the personnel of the industry, research developments with their subsequent application in practice. In 2025, the annual prize of the head of the Republic of Kalmykia young scientists will be awarded for the first time.

Dmitry Chernyshenko also emphasized the development of the tourism industry and the participation of the region in the national project “Tourism and hospitality”.

In Kalmykia, ethnocultural events are very popular among tourists. In April, the tulip festival annually hosts, and from July to August the traditional festival of lotos is held.

In the region, sports infrastructure is developing. The number of athletes reached 538 – this is almost 100 more than in 2023. So, in Elista in 2024, a fijtal center was created, work is underway to build a physical education complex. The share of citizens involved in physical education and sports in the republic is 58%, which corresponds to the plan.

In addition, Dmitry Chernyshenko and Batu Khasikov discussed preparations for the III International Buddhist Forum, which will be held in Elista in September this year.

“This sign event will be held with the support of our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The main concept of the forum will be the promotion of Buddhist education. We will pay attention to Buddhism not only as religion, but also as a source of knowledge that contributes to spiritual growth and enlightenment. The Republic of Kalmykia is the western center of world Buddhism, an island of Asian Buddhist culture located in continental Europe, and is ready to act as a bridge of Russia’s interaction with Buddhist countries, ”said Batu Khasikov.

Within the framework of the forum, a unique Buddhist park will be created, the participating countries will be invited to present their traditions of Buddhism in it. The participation of official delegations and pilgrims from 35 countries professing Buddhism is expected.

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