Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

More money will be made with increasing cold! Start this business earning millions like this

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In some markets the maximum rate is Rs 500. Which directly means that poultry farm owners selling eggs in bulk are earning a profit of one to one and a half rupees. This is the first time after four years that the bulk of eggs…read more

Start this lakhs earning business in just Rs 50 thousand, now you will get double profit.

Opportunity to earn up to Rs 14 lakh annually

New Delhi. If you look at the egg market rates daily, you will know that the price of eggs per hundred in any egg market of the country is not less than Rs 420. In some markets the maximum rate is Rs 500. Which directly means that poultry farm owners selling eggs in bulk are earning a profit of one to one and a half rupees. This is the first time after four years that egg wholesalers are getting such a huge profit on one egg. According to business experts, this market will remain like this till February. Let us tell you that poultry farming business can be started for at least Rs 5 to 9 lakh. If you start layer farming on a small scale i.e. 1500 chickens, then you can earn Rs 50 thousand to Rs 1 lakh per month.

Profitable earnings on eggs are the gift of Corona –According to Rajesh Rajput, owner of Manya Egg Traders, poultry farm owners have got this opportunity to make huge profits on eggs because of Corona. Due to Corona, lakhs of chickens were buried alive in the ground. Even the eggs and chicks were buried under the ground. There was no one to take it even for free. In such a situation, how long will the poultry farmer feed the hens if the eggs are not sold? Then due to closure of transport, even grains were not available. Whatever it was, it was very expensive. About 60 percent of the chickens were killed during the Corona lockdown. Now there are fewer egg laying hens and the demand for eggs is higher. So that’s why poultry farmers are getting good prices. Otherwise this work was going on at very low profits.

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Poultry farmers are also rearing hens that lay 18 eggs in a month.According to experts, the cost of one egg ranges from Rs 2.80 to Rs 3. In such a situation, considering the current market, the poultry farm owner is getting a profit of one to one and a half rupees. This is the reason why at present poultry farm owners are rearing those hens which are laying 15 to 18 eggs in a month. Usually, when a hen has laid so many eggs, she is sold. But at present even grain is cheap in the market. Therefore, on 18 eggs, you are getting profit along with the cost.

Hen laying 18 eggs becomes 30 to 80 rupees per kg-Nawab Ali, chicken market expert and president of UP Poultry Farm Association, says, “Last year, during these days, the sale of retired hens (chickens that have reduced or stopped laying eggs) used to range from Rs 30 to Rs 40 per kg. But due to the effect of Corona, now this hen is being sold for Rs 80 per kg. This chicken is mostly used in making chicken korma in weddings and hotels. But this year there are less egg laying hens, so as long as they are laying eggs, the poultry farmers are not selling them. Grain is also a little cheaper than last year, so there is no big risk. Even if 60 percent are laying eggs, it is not a loss-making deal.”

How much will it cost? First of all, about Rs 5 to 6 lakh will have to be spent on space, cage and equipment. If you want to start work with the target of 1500 chickens, you will have to buy 10 percent more chicks. There is a danger of chickens dying due to untimely illness.

Budget for buying chickens: Rs 50 thousand The cost of a layer parent berth is approximately Rs 30 to 35. That means, to buy chickens, a budget of Rs 50 thousand will have to be kept. Now to raise them, they have to be fed different types of food and also have to spend on medication.

Expenses for 20 weeks: Rs 3-4 lakh- The cost of feeding chickens continuously for 20 weeks will be around Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh. A layer parent bird lays about 300 eggs in a year. After 20 weeks, hens start laying eggs and lay eggs for a whole year. After 20 weeks, approximately Rs 3 to 4 lakhs are spent on their food and drink.

Earning up to Rs 14 lakh annually- In such a situation, about 4,35,000 eggs are obtained from 1500 hens at an average of 290 eggs per year. Even after wastage, if we are able to sell 4 lakh eggs, then one egg is sold at the rate of Rs 3.5. That means, you will earn Rs 14 lakh in a year just by selling eggs.

Formal training is necessary- Even if the earning is good, it is important to take good training before trying your hand in this business.

There are two ways of earning in poultry farming business – eggs and meat. In this, information has to be obtained about the process of egg production and broiler breeding process. Also, complete information about the equipment to be used is necessary. For this, all the information is available under the government’s ‘Broiler Plus’ scheme. This business can provide employment to others.

Apply like this-Loan for poultry farming can be taken from any government bank. State Bank of India gives loan up to 75 percent of the total cost for this business. This scheme has been named ‘Broiler Plus’ scheme. Loan up to Rs 9 lakh can be taken from SBI which has to be repaid in 5 years.

In State Bank of India, a loan of up to Rs 3,00,000 is given for a poultry farm of 5,000 chickens. From here you can take a loan up to Rs 9 lakh. The loan taken from SBI has to be returned in 5 years. If due to some reason you are not able to repay the loan in 5 years, then 6 more months are given.

First of all, one of the driving license, voter ID, PAN card or passport is required for identity proof. Two photographs, address proof, photo copy of bank account statement and poultry project report have to be given to the bank.

Documents required to take loan-To avail loan for poultry farming, identity proof – like driving license, voter ID card, PAN card or passport is required. Two passport size photographs. Address proof should include ration card, electricity bill, telephone bill, water bill. Or lease agreement is required. Photocopy of bank account statement. Project report of poultry farming.

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