New Delhi. If you are also planning to start a business, then this is useful news for you. Today we will tell you about such a business (How to start your own business), through which you can earn up to Rs 5 lakh every month. Let us tell you that there is a lot of demand for cardboard these days. Cardboard is most needed in online business. Nowadays, cardboard is required for packaging all the big and small items.
By starting this business you can earn bumper profits and the special thing is that its demand remains the same throughout the year, which means you are less likely to face recession in this business. Let us tell you how you can earn up to Rs 5 lakh every month.
raw material
Talking about raw material, the most important thing to start this business is craft paper. You get it in the market at around Rs 40 per kg. Let us tell you that the better your craft paper is, the better will be the quality of the box.
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how much space will be needed
To start this business, you will need about 5000 square feet of space because in this business you have to set up a plant and also build a warehouse to store the goods. You should not start the cardboard box business in a very crowded place because in such a situation you will face difficulty in bringing and carrying the goods. Most people do this business only on a large level.
Machine is also needed
There are two types of machines in this business, the first is Semi Automatic Machine and the second is Fully Automatic Machine. There is a difference in the investment as much as there is a difference in the size of these two.
how much will be the profit
If we talk about profit in this business, its demand remains the same throughout the year and during the Corona period, there has been a huge increase in the demand for such boxes. The special thing is that the profit margin in this business is also very high. If you are able to get customers and do good marketing of it, then you can easily earn Rs 5 to 10 lakh every month by starting this business.
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How much will have to be invested
Talking about investment, if you want to do it on a small scale then you will have to invest less. Let us tell you that the machines used in this business are expensive. If you buy a semi-automatic machine, you will have to invest around Rs 20 lakh. At the same time, about Rs 50 lakh will be spent for a fully automatic machine.
Tags: Business from home, Business opportunities, Earn money
FIRST PUBLISHED : December 8, 2021, 08:38 IST