One after the other they step, in turn they will fall into the pit, be covered with rags of bloody earth, and never come out of there again. Guys full of dreams and plans for the future, so short was their visit on this earth. “Allowed to publish” and “left behind” the suffocation threatens to arrive, the heart threatens to crumble, and then unexpectedly it passes. It turns out that in the end you get used to everything, including this. We become emotionally numb.
I am a sister who has been bereaved since the age of 12, and I want to tell you something important. The bereaved, he’s not going anywhere. He did not fade. and does not fade or weaken or become lighter. He just changes shape from time to time, or changes us. Bereavement is a stubborn and violent enemy, weakens and exhausts the body and soul, isolates socially and familially and causes diseases. Bereavement is private, your private.