Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

New Delhi. The Supreme Court gave a major decision on Monday. In this decision, the Supreme Court upheld the amendment of the Constitution regarding giving 10 percent reservation to the general category people on economic basis. Although this amendment only deals with reservation in education and government jobs, many questions are also being raised along with it. Like who will truly benefit from this reservation, will it impact the private sector as well, especially jobs?

Another big question that is in front is whether this reservation can have any impact on the business sector or its related activities. You will find answers to all these questions in this special report.

First understand the decision…
In simple language, this reservation is for those people who are economically weak i.e. whose annual family income is less than Rs 8 lakh. Although this category will fall within the already reserved 50 percent, the remaining 50 percent has not been disturbed.

How many will benefit?
According to IHDS (Indian Human Development Survey) 2012, the general category population in India is estimated to be 27.3 percent of the total. Now, out of these, only 2.28 percent are upper castes whose income is more than Rs 8 lakh. Now if we look at it in a different way, more than 25 percent people will come under the purview of this reservation. However, some changes are possible with time, hence this figure may change somewhat in today’s context.

Now let’s talk about private sector
There is a big question in the minds of people regarding private jobs also whether the benefit of 10 percent reservation will be available in these also. So the direct answer is no. The benefit of this reservation will be available only in government jobs.

In this regard, Supreme Court lawyer Virag Gupta says that after the recognition of the EWS law after the decision of the Supreme Court, its impact will be seen in the private sector as well. EWS reservation will also be implemented in private colleges and unaided educational institutions. There is no provision in the law to implement EWS reservation in private sector jobs. But in many states including Haryana, there is a law for reservation in private sector on regional basis. Therefore, in future there may be a demand for reservation in private sector jobs on economic basis.

impact on business sector
Looking at the current decision and the amendments in reservation made earlier, it does not seem to have anything to do with the business sector. However, in the long run, whatever changes, negative or positive, will occur in the country due to this reservation, it will definitely have some impact on every sector. But no conclusion can be reached quickly regarding this.

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Now some general information also
After all these things, another big question in the mind of all the people coming in this category is regarding making EWS certificate. This is a very simple process and for this you will have to download the EWS Certificate Form from the National Government Service Portal. After filling this form, you will have to submit the form to the Patwari or Lekhpal in the tehsil. After this, it will go to the Tehsildar for all the verifications and getting it stamped. If all your information is correct then you will get the EWS category certificate in 21 days. This certificate will be valid for one year and will have to be renewed every year.

Tags: Supreme Court

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