Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev spoke at the government hour in the Federation Council on the topic “Digital Transformation in the fields of nature management and agro -industrial complex”. The Deputy Prime Minister introduced digital solutions in the industries and told what result they help to achieve.

Dmitry Patrushev spoke at the government hour in the Federation Council on the topic “Digital transformation in the fields of nature management and agro -industrial complex”
“The strategic task of digital transformation is indicated before all sectors in the presidential decree on national development goals. Without it, it is impossible to perform landmarks to ensure environmental well -being, increasing production and export of products of the agro -industrial complex. Modern technologies are aimed at optimizing resources, reducing losses, as well as an increase in labor productivity. The agricultural industry in the growth rate of labor productivity leads among sectors of the economy. From 2018 to 2024, this figure increased by 22%. This is largely provided with the use of digital products, ”said Dmitry Patrushev.
The Deputy Prime Minister noted that unmanned systems are gaining more and more distribution, which can save up to 20% of plant protection products and reduce the cost of equipment by four to five times. It is experimentally confirmed that the drone can carry out processing in the zones inaccessible to other types of equipment. In the near future, the development of a system for monitoring the state of crops using drones will be completed. It will identify the affected areas and targeted the use of plant protection, which will reduce the pesticide load.
In the field of nature management, unmanned systems control compliance with environmental standards – they are examined by accumulated harm, and control the construction of waste management facilities and evaluate the operation of landfills. In specially protected natural territories, they are used to combat poaching and responding to fire.
Speaking about management and monitoring systems, Dmitry Patrushev noted that an increase in interest in tractors and combines with an unmanned management system is predicted. At the same time, traditional equipment is also being improved, manufacturers offer agricultural machinery with the possibility of remote monitoring. Similar systems exist in the forest complex, and from January 1, the equipment of the GLONASS system has become mandatory.
Robotized systems in crop production allow 20% to reduce fertilizers, plant protection products and fuel. In livestock breeding, the system of manual management and monitoring of the state of animals is relevant, and almost half of the farms are equipped with modern milking systems.
In the field of sales, digitalization allows you to save on logistics, digital platforms use more than half of the manufacturers.
In terms of implementation of artificial intelligence – in the field of agro -industrial complex, it becomes possible to predict yields, choose the necessary agricultural solutions, build the routes of equipment, and in the environment – determine the residual capacity of the landfills and identify violations. Artificial intelligence helps to prevent leaks of pollutants, since much earlier a person recognizes even minimal deviations.
For the introduction of modern technologies, there are measures to support through federal departments. Since 2024, in the framework of the national project “Unmanned Aviation Systems”, more than 3.5 billion rubles have been provided for the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture for three years.
A difficult issue remains that software products are not always based on domestic digital solutions.
“The goal of the state is to minimize the share of imports in this area in order to reduce possible risks. For this, on behalf of the Prime Minister in 2022, industrial competencies were created in each industry of the economy. This is a platform for a dialogue with a business aimed at introducing Russian products that will really be in demand. As practice shows, our digital solutions for functionality even surpass foreign analogues, but are an order of magnitude cheaper, ”said Dmitry Patrushev.
Speaking about the digitalization of public services, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that at the moment in electronic form, access to 78 services in the field of agricultural industry and 81-in the field of nature management. The leader can be called the State Service “Licensing of the use of subsoil.” The deadline for its provision was reduced by more than three times, the number of requested documents reduced and the number of requested.
Dmitry Patrushev added that federal state information systems have become a key tool for collecting and structuring data, as well as the basis for strategic planning. Today, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia uses 18 systems, the Ministry of Natural Resources – 11.
The new hunting service is scheduled for launch in 2025 and will allow us to form a state register with information about hunters, resources and lands in digital form. The service will exclude the possibility of obtaining several hunting forces. And the citizen will receive the status of a hunter on the day of its issuance. Previously, this could take up to a month.
One of the significant areas of work for digitalization, the Deputy Prime Minister called the sphere of waste management. In 2023, a solid utility system was created. Since the fall of 2024, on container sites, photo and video recording funds have been introduced to analyze their condition using artificial intelligence. Transportation can be traced thanks to the GLONASS system on garbage trucks. When entering the objects of waste management, automated weight control systems function.
The departments have already begun to solve the following problem – on the integration of systems. So, for example, in the field of environmental management, an integrated eco -monitoring system is created, which is designed to fully inform citizens, authorities and organizations about the state of the environment. Information about air, water, forests, bowels and the animal world will be available.
“The synergy of technology, management and scientific development allows industries to develop steadily, responding to all kinds of calls. We will certainly continue this integrated work, ”concluded Dmitry Patrushev.
Answering the question of the effectiveness of the introduction of digital technologies in the agricultural industry, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that through information systems the state collects data on the development of digital solutions, their implementation and the economic effect. Every year, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia forms regions ratings in terms of digital transformation. For example, last year, among the leaders of digitalization in agriculture-Tatarstan, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Kostroma region.
During the government hour, Dmitry Patrushev answered the questions of the senators. They concerned control in the field of solid municipal waste, sowing campaign and other issues of ecology and agriculture.