Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

News – Russian Government

Apartment building in Simferopol

Apartment building in Simferopol

Regions of the Southern Federal District are actively participating in the implementation of a program to resettle people from dilapidated houses. According to the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”, it was planned to resettle 488.5 thousand square meters in the territory of the district. m of emergency housing stock and thereby improve the living conditions of 28.6 thousand people. The task set by the President of Russia to reduce the unsuitable housing stock identified before January 2017 was fulfilled by all subjects of the Southern Federal District, said Deputy Prime Minister, curator of the Southern Federal District Marat Khusnullin.

“All subjects that are part of the Southern Federal District have achieved the national project targets for the area of ​​emergency housing identified before 2017, and the number of citizens who were able to improve their living conditions thanks to this. Since 2019, 42.3 thousand residents of dilapidated buildings in the district have moved to new apartments. 667.6 thousand square meters were resettled. m of unsuitable housing stock,” said Marat Khusnullin.

The Deputy Prime Minister also noted that the most people moved from dilapidated houses in the Rostov (14.9 thousand people), Volgograd (9.6 thousand people) and Astrakhan (8.3 thousand people) regions.

At a recent meeting on the socio-economic development of Crimea and Sevastopol, which was held by Russian President Vladimir Putin via videoconference, attention was also paid to the topic of resettling emergency housing stock.

According to Marat Khusnullin, today in the Republic of Crimea 1,876 people have been resettled from emergency housing since 2019, and the region has achieved the target indicators of the national project. In Sevastopol, which completed the current program back in 2022, 179 people moved from unsuitable houses to new apartments.

General Director of the Territorial Development Fund, operator of the resettlement program, Ilshat Shagiakhmetov said that all regions of the district responsibly approached the task of sustainable reduction of uninhabitable housing stock.

“The subjects of the Southern Federal District are additionally relocating old housing according to their programs. Of the total number under the resettlement program, 10.9 thousand residents of dilapidated houses were able to improve their living comfort thanks to the activity of the subjects,” said the head of the FRT.

The resettlement of people from dilapidated houses in all regions of the Southern Federal District will continue under the new national project “Infrastructure for Life”. Now the subjects have already determined the volume of emergency housing stock that is subject to resettlement in the coming years.

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