Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

News – Russian Government

On the agenda: the results of the visit to Vietnam, the ratification of the Agreement on a harmonized system for determining the origin of goods exported from the customs territory of the EAEU, and changes to the legislation on tendering.

Opening remarks by Mikhail Mishustin:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Government meeting

The head of state identified one of the national development goals of the country as ensuring a stable and dynamic economy, which involves the formation of a network of partnerships with foreign countries and the creation of the necessary infrastructure for foreign economic activity. The government is consistently solving this problem.

The visit of the Russian delegation to Vietnam ended yesterday. We held detailed negotiations with the Vietnamese leadership, considered all current issues on the bilateral agenda, as well as the implementation of agreements reached following the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Vietnam. Particular attention was paid to strengthening trade and economic ties and scientific and technological cooperation.

Participants of the meeting

  • List of participants at the Government meeting, January 16, 2025

We will continue to promote the implementation of oil and gas projects on the continental shelf of Vietnam and Russia, which are of strategic importance for our countries. It is also important to develop our interaction in the field of green energy; this was discussed in detail at the meeting with representatives of Russian and Vietnamese business circles.

A joint venture in Da Nang to assemble Russian GAZ brand vehicles will receive support. Today we have good opportunities for cooperation also in the field of heavy engineering, including the supply of domestic locomotives, freight and passenger cars to Vietnam, and for the participation of our companies in the construction of railway infrastructure and subway facilities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

There is great potential in the development of tourist exchanges. Russian citizens often choose Vietnam for their holidays. Vietnamese tourists come to us with pleasure. It is, of course, necessary to increase the frequency and expand the geography of direct flights. We agreed to work together with our Vietnamese colleagues on this.

At the meeting with representatives of the business community, we raised issues of investment cooperation, joint projects in the fields of energy, industry, transport, logistics, and agriculture. The business of our countries is sincerely interested in deepening partnerships and launching common initiatives. And it is important to create all the necessary conditions for this.

Colleagues, I ask you to carefully monitor in the areas under your supervision how the agreements reached during the visit are being implemented.

Today on the agenda of the Government meeting is an issue related to strengthening Eurasian integration. Our union, as you know, recently celebrated its first ten-year anniversary and, as the President emphasized, has become one of the centers of the emerging multipolar world.

We continue to work consistently with our colleagues in the Five to unlock the potential of our association. Now we will discuss the ratification of an important document, which is aimed at the comprehensive development of mutual trade.

I mean the Agreement on a harmonized system for determining the origin of goods exported from the customs territory of the EAEU. It was signed following a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, which took place in Bishkek at the end of 2023. Its entry into force will help simplify access to foreign markets for producers in our countries. It will become possible to complete administrative procedures much faster, both by easing mandatory requirements and by expanding the use of digital platforms, which make it possible to almost completely eliminate the provision of paper documents.

We expect that common mechanisms for exporters of the Union states will begin to operate in the near future.

Now to the question of improving working conditions for entrepreneurs.

On behalf of the President, a number of changes to the legislation have been prepared. First of all, they introduce general requirements for the organization of tenders. Be it a subsoil plot, the right to lease state or municipal property, or a fishing quota.

We are also talking about unifying the procedure for conducting them in electronic form. Even if the seller or customer are located in different regions, you do not need to travel to them to participate. This is not only convenient, but also, most importantly, allows a business to save time and money, makes it possible to attract more interested participants and thereby increase the level of competition between them and ensure that their proposals correspond to the value of the subject of the auction.

It also establishes the organizer’s obligation to enter into an agreement with the runner-up if the winning supplier refuses to sign it.

The amendments generally simplify and make trading in various sectors of the economy more transparent. They help anyone who wants to join them, regardless of their location or area of ​​activity.

We expect that the innovations will come into force on September 1 of this year. This is sufficient time to make the necessary adjustments to industry standards.

At the same time, such a unified bidding procedure will not affect the operation of concessions or public-private partnerships and will preserve for entrepreneurs the existing mechanism for protecting property rights and investments already made.

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