Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

You can start small business just in 25 thousand and earn 30 lakh rupees per month check details varpat

New Delhi. If you want to start a business by investing less money, then today we are going to tell you about a special business idea (How to start Business). You can start this business in less than Rs 30 thousand and earn good money. The special thing in this is that you will get up to 50 percent subsidy from the government for this business. As we know, nowadays people’s focus on pearl farming has increased rapidly. Many people have become millionaires by cultivating it. So let us know how this business can be started…

What things are needed for pearl farming?
For pearl farming, three things are required: a pond, oyster (from which pearls are prepared) and training. If you want, you can dig a pond at your own expense or you can avail the benefit of 50% subsidy given by the government. Shells are found in many states of India. However, the quality of oysters from Darbhanga of South India and Bihar is good. There are many institutes in the country for its training. Have taken training in pearl farming from Hoshangabad and Mumbai in Madhya Pradesh.

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Know how to cultivate pearls?
First of all, the mussels are tied in a net and put in the pond for 10 to 15 days, so that they can create their own environment, after which they are taken out and their surgery is done. Surgery means a particle or mold is inserted inside the oyster. After coating on this mould, a shell layer is formed, which later becomes a pearl.

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Starting from Rs 25 thousand
It costs 25 to 35 rupees to prepare one oyster. Whereas after preparation, two pearls emerge from one oyster and one pearl is sold for at least Rs 120. If the quality is good then the price can be more than Rs 200. If you put 25 thousand mussels in a pond of one acre, then it costs about Rs 8 lakh. Let us assume that even if some oysters get spoiled during preparation, still more than 50% of the oysters come out safe. This can easily earn Rs 30 lakh annually.

Tags: Business at small level, Business ideas, Earn money, How to do business, Starting own business

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