Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

News – Russian Government

As part of a working trip to the Primorsky Territory, Deputy Prime Minister – Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev held a meeting on the provision of Far Eastern and Arctic mortgages, got acquainted with the progress of construction of the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant, and inspected the pilot site of the innovative scientific and technological center (ISTC) “Russian “at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU).

“The decision to provide preferential mortgages in the Far East was made by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Far Eastern and Arctic mortgages are issued at a rate of 2% per annum. At the recent Eastern Economic Forum, the President once again confirmed that we continue to provide loans to people under these conditions. Unfortunately, we have received information that this does not always happen. Opportunities for obtaining a Far Eastern mortgage are limited. We need to understand the situation,” Yuri Trutnev opened the meeting.

The implementation of the special Far Eastern Mortgage program, which provides for the issuance of preferential mortgage loans at an annual rate of 2%, began five years ago on behalf of the head of state. Since November 2023, it has become available to residents of the Arctic. Thanks to unprecedented conditions, the program is the most popular in the Far Eastern Federal District. More than 136 thousand families have already been provided with housing using a loan under the program. The total amount of loans issued amounted to 640 billion rubles. It is important that this money went to the construction industry of the region. Thanks to the increased demand for housing, more than 7 million square meters are being built in the Far East today. m of multi-apartment housing, this is more than three times more than at the start of the program. In 2024, the cost of housing in the Far Eastern Federal District was lower than the Russian average for the first time.

Far Eastern and Arctic mortgages have intensified construction in the private sector. Banks issued 19.3 thousand loans totaling 108 billion rubles for the purpose of individual housing construction. Today, the average loan amount for individual housing construction is 5.6 million rubles. People are building private houses and cottages, including on plots obtained using another government support measure – the Hectare program. Participants in this program can receive a loan to build a house without restrictions on age and marital status.

The terms of the program have been expanded several times. It included new categories of recipients: teachers and doctors, employees of defense industry enterprises, and participants of the self-government education system. A year ago, the program was expanded to the Arctic.

In order to maintain support for families and skilled workers, which also influence the strengthening of the country’s defense capability, in September of this year the President of Russia made the most important decision – to maintain the rate under the program at a level not exceeding 2% per annum.

At the same time, according to publicly available information, as well as numerous appeals from citizens, in October 2024, banks decided to change the conditions for obtaining a loan under the program: the minimum down payment was increased, commissions were charged from developers and citizens, and lending to individual housing construction was stopped. The measures taken limit access to preferential mortgages for most target groups of the population, which contradicts the original purpose of the program.

Governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemyako noted: “Primorye Territory is a leader in the number of loans issued, the program is in demand. Today, about 34 thousand Far Eastern mortgage loans have been issued in the region. These are 34 thousand families who have already found their own housing and linked their fate with the Primorsky Territory. Another significant effect of issuing loans at a rate of 2% is support for the construction industry of the region. Over the five years of the program, the volume of housing commissioning has more than doubled.”

Following the meeting, Yuri Trutnev gave instructions to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Eastern Development, together with the Bank of Russia, DOM.RF and credit institutions participating in the program, to prepare agreed proposals for the repayment of loans according to the basic conditions established by the program.

“I am unequivocally sure: the order of the President of the Russian Federation to maintain preferential mortgage rates must be carried out. Within two weeks, an analysis of the submitted proposals will be carried out with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic,” Yuri Trutnev summed up the results.

As part of the working trip, Yuri Trutnev got acquainted with the progress of construction of the Nakhodka Mineral Fertilizer Plant (NZMF). “The construction of the plant is in its working cycle. The owners do not see any unsolvable problems. This is a huge plant. After commissioning, it will become one of the largest enterprises producing fertilizers in our country. The launch of the NZMU will give new taxes to the Primorsky Territory and the entire Russian Federation. Another giant, another important plant will be created,” said Yuri Trutnev.

NZMU is one of the three largest investment projects in the Far East and, upon launch, will be among the top five leaders in the country in terms of methanol production volumes – 1.8 million tons per year. The declared annual volume of gas processing in the first phase will be 1.7 billion cubic meters. m, the amount of private investment is 227 billion rubles. The enterprise will reach its planned capacity in 2027.

“By the time the two phases are launched, 1.5 thousand jobs will be created, with priority given to residents of Nakhodka and Primorye. Now the engineering preparation of the site is nearing completion, ground work is actively underway: pouring foundations, forming reinforced frames and installing plant equipment. Eight units were installed on the site, and today the ninth was erected on the foundation – a saturation column with a height of 44.9 m and weighing more than 211 tons,” said Nikolai Sabitov, General Director of NZMU.

Until mid-2036, the plant will replenish budgets of all levels with tax deductions of 25 billion rubles. In addition, the enterprise initiated and financed the development of a comprehensive development plan for Nakhodka, and then a master plan, which made it possible to attract 30 billion rubles of additional funding from the federal budget to the city. 48 measures in the field of socio-economic development have been implemented, and active work is underway on another 18. This includes the modernization of schools, kindergartens and libraries, the construction of recreation areas, new clinics and sports centers, roads and utility networks.

Yuri Trutnev also inspected the pilot site of the Russky Institute of Technology and Technology in the Far Eastern Federal University. “We are building an innovative scientific and technological center in the Far East. We need to quickly introduce innovative production and develop new technologies. The Far East and all of Russia need this,” said Yuri Trutnev.

INTC “Russian” is a territory with a special preferential regime, created on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the development of high-tech business in the Far East and the promotion of Russian high-tech products and technologies to the markets of Asia-Pacific countries. On the basis of FEFU, ambitious knowledge-intensive companies will be brought together and teams capable of developing advanced technologies in biomedicine, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, marine engineering and IT will be attracted.

“The project for the construction of the second stage of the FEFU campus provides for the creation of fundamentally new scientific, social and educational infrastructure facilities. This will expand opportunities and make it possible to create a world-class high-tech scientific center on Russian Island by 2030, comfortable for the life and work of scientists and entrepreneurs. INTC residents actively cooperate with the university, participate in educational programs and scientific research in priority areas. Our scientists are focused on developing the technologies necessary for Russian enterprises to effectively cooperate with partners in Asian countries,” noted FEFU Rector Boris Korobets.

In 2024, using funds from a single presidential subsidy provided through the Ministry of Eastern Development, the Development Fund of the INTC “Russian” began construction of a pilot site for the INTC “Russian” with an area of ​​7.6 thousand square meters. m to accommodate at least 15 first residents, which will ensure the launch of at least 50 high-tech projects in the following areas: the World Ocean, biomedicine and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and information and communication technologies.

The pilot site will be launched in 2025 and will house seven innovative Russian manufacturers. The Medpharm company became the first resident of the Russky INTC. At the pilot site, the company plans to develop technology for preparing the latest generation of enzyme solution GOD and GDH-FAD for diabetic test strips. Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements are also planning to enter the pilot site – Antey Group of Companies, Avexima OJSC, manufacturer of plant extracts Solnechnaya Energy LLC, manufacturer of household chemicals and related products of Aktsion Group of Companies, IT solutions sector of two banks – T -bank and ATB.

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